PHL Marketplace Displaced Worker Program

Philadelphia International Airport

Contract Components

New Build


Dev Sec Ops
Data Collection and Visualization
Adaptive Project Management

The PHL Marketplace requires incoming businesses to hire workers recently displaced by departing merchants whenever possible. Tactile built a custom application that helps connect merchants and displaced workers and allows the Marketplace team to easily oversee the process and view regulatory reports.

The PHL Marketplace administrators wanted an application that would make it easy for displaced retail and restaurant workers to find new jobs with other Marketplace businesses, as well as for newly-contracted merchants to find employees with relevant experience and existing authorization to work at the airport.

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Tactile created a fully responsive and deceptively simple application to accommodate the likely audience profiles. These include workers with a relatively low technical savviness yet a proficient mobile usage along with a busy merchant user group that doesn't spend a lot of time in front of a computer.

Applicants can create a profile, upload a resume, and confirm an interview, all through a responsive interface accessible on any mobile browser.  


The website automates administrative tasks such as updating the merchant's hiring status or deactivating a worker whose status has been inactive for more than a year, but allows the Marketplace administrators to manually override those settings.

Features include searches for workers by job category or name, single-click interview requests and responses, profiles to which workers can upload resumes, and administrative views of a new merchant's hiring progress.

The site also provides deep and offline-ready compliance reports for Marketplace administrators, showcasing the percentage of re-hired workers and tracking available positions. 

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